Process in Play to force Employment Equity Compliance
Employers are expected to meet the standards and provisions set in the Act. All amendments and regulations of Employment Equity Compliance.
In order to deliver strategic solutions that will create sustainability and success, White Zulu ensures that both we and our partners stay informed about the latest BBBEE codes, requirements, and legislature. Our resource centre helps keep you up-to-date with all things related to transformation and development.
Employers are expected to meet the standards and provisions set in the Act. All amendments and regulations of Employment Equity Compliance.
Affirmative action is defined in the Employment Equity Act, 1998 as ‘measures designed to ensure that suitably qualified people from designated groups have equal opportunities and are equitably represented in all occupational categories and levels on the workforce of a designated employer’.
Section 53 of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 places an obligation on all employers who wish to contract with an organ of state to comply with the Act. The purpose of the Act is to promote the constitutional right of equality; eliminate unfair discrimination in employment; ensure...
The Employment Equity Act, 1998, renders unfair any act or omission involving the ‘unfair discrimination, either directly or indirectly’ against any employee or applicant on various grounds (race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, HIV status,...
The Employment Equity Amendment Act, 2022 is set to come into effect in September 2023. The amendments empower the Minister of Employment and Labour to determine sectoral (industry or service) and/ or regional numerical targets for the purpose of ensuring the equitable representation of suitably qualified people...
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At White Zulu Human Capital Management we connect the dots as B-BBEE Consultancy between Skills Development, Employment Equity, B-BBEE, SARS and SETA
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